All relevant evidence will be considered, analysed and used as appropriate including during hearings, when preparing findings, preparing interim reports and when preparing the final report and recommendations.
Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing.
Evidences list
Day 28 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses George Quinn, (Sister Louise) AAR, (Michael) ABL, and the read in statement of witness (Jean) ABA.
Day 29 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses (Margaret Crawley) ACB, (Pat) AAT, and the read in evidence of witnesses George Higgins and (Theresa) AAP.
Day 30 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witness (Janie) AAX, and the read in evidence of witnesses (Alison) AAW, (Margaret) AAJ, (Jack) EAF, (Annemarie) AAK and (Alison) AAS.
Day 31 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses (Jimmy) AAF, (Michael) AAH, (Stephain) AAV, and the read in evidence of witness (Greig) AAN.
Day 32 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses Bill (ABK), Margaret (AAC) and Billy (AAM).
Day 33 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses Ms June Smith, Patrick (KAV), Duncan (ABJ), and the read in evidence of witnesses Graham (ABN) and Meg (AAQ).
Day 34 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses DCI Graham MacKellar, Professor Anthony Busuttil, Ms Janet Bishop and Dr Thomas Liley Turner.
Day 35 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses (Victor) AGG, (James) ABO, (Derek) ABF, and the read in evidence of witness (Margaret) ABT.
Day 36 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses Ms Fiona Young, (Gerry) JAA and (Jack) ABZ.