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Work being done by the Inquiry team to gather evidence. Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing.

Evidences list

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Day 379 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness Alec Spencer.

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Day 380 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness Professor Andrew Coyle.

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Day 381 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness Dr Alan Mitchell.

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Day 382 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witnesses Mr Neil Rennick and Ms Teresa Medhurst.

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Day 383 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Continued evidence was heard from witnesses Mr Neil Rennick and Ms Teresa Medhurst.

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Day 384 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witnesses (Cagney) HDZ and Thomas Jordan, and the read in evidence of witnesses (Bertie) GCA, (Peter) HQM and (Stuart) KFO.

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Day 385 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witnesses (Frankie) GTY and Thomas Wilson.

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Day 386 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness George Quinn, and the read in evidence of witnesses (McIntosh) GLB, (Scott) HCH, (Henry) GUV, (Bon) IOJ, (George) LRR, (Joseph) GCB, (Alex) Alexander Buchanan, (Scott) GCV.

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Day 387 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness (Jim) HJA, and the read in evidence of witnesses (John) GCJ, (Jimmy) HDQ, (David) GIM, (Callum) MBJ and (Greg) LLX.

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