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All relevant evidence will be considered, analysed and used as appropriate including during hearings, when preparing findings, preparing interim reports and when preparing the final report and recommendations. 

Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing. 

Evidences list

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Day 388 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness (Jimmy) GCN, and the read in evidence of witnesses (Simon) KDO, (Thomas) GVE, (John) GGY, (John) GHY and (Bobby-Joe) KDZ. 

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Day 389 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witnesses (Bruno) HWF and John McCabe, and the read in evidence of witness (Barry) HSJ.

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Day 390 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness Mark Lafferty, and the read in evidence of witnesses William Bauros, (Lindsay) GQD, Brian Heron, (Ray) GKH, (Neil) LTR and (Mike) HPX. 

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Day 391 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witnesses (Edward) IRJ and (Peter) HPB, and the read in evidence of witness (David) GSJ.

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Day 392 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness (Steven) HHL, and the read in evidence of witnesses (Bill) HMR, (Scott) HDU, Derek Allan, (Charlie) HOC, (Bruce) HMQ, (Thomas) MOJ, (Colin) LYM and (Alex) ILB. 

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Day 393 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness (Martin) GTR, and the read in evidence of witnesses (Thomas) GQI, (Alex) HIK, (Louis) IBF, (Andy) IFM, (Joe) MTI, (Alexander) HCZ and (Anderson) GKY. 

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Day 394 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness (Mark) GQR, and the read in evidence of witnesses (Nick) HKC, (William) IKH, (Michael) GJJ, (Dean) GQY, (Charles) HWZ, (Trevor) GRM, and (Derek) ILH.

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Day 395 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witnesses (Tom) GIH and (Rupert) IGL.

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Day 396 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry

Evidence was heard from witness Daniel Gunn and the read in evidence of witness (Donald) GJC.

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