All relevant evidence will be considered, analysed and used as appropriate including during hearings, when preparing findings, preparing interim reports and when preparing the final report and recommendations.
Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing.
Evidences list
Day 397 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witness Ian MacFadyen and the read in evidence of witnesses (Brendan) GKX, (Gary) GRF, (Peter) HMD, (Sean) IBA and (James) KEA.
Day 398 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses James McLaughlin and (Alan) HJY, and the read in evidence of witnesses (Jason) KCV, (Iain) HHV, (James) IAH, (David) HQG, (Stephen) GQT, (Brian) IGU, (Rory) INJ, (Pablo) GGQ, (Robert) GSE, (Robert) IQV and (Raymond) LVE.
Day 399 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witness (Peter) IKG and the read in evidence of witnesses (Jamie) GGC, (Sam) KCT, (Jordan) IPM and (Kevin) HUP.
Day 400 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses Ms Teresa Medhurst and Mr Neil Rennick.
Day 401 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Closing submissions for the The Scottish Prison Service as part of the Phase 8 case study were heard at an Inquiry Hearing on 19 December 2023.
Day 402 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from anonymous witnesses (David) HBB, (Andrew) HFS and (Jim) LOK.
Day 403 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witness (James) GRD, (Scott) HCH and James Doherty, and the read in evidence of witness William Dyer.
Day 404 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses Alexander Buchanan, (Derek) GFF and (Jimmy) HGA.
Day 405 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Evidence was heard from witnesses (Joseph) GCB and (John M) HYJ and the read in evidence of witnesses (Jamie) HMI, (Jack) LYU, (Patrick) HGL and (Mel) PBK.