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Work being done by the Inquiry team to gather evidence. Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing.

Evidences list

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Letter from Quarriers to Minister for Education and Young People

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email from Scottish Government official to Minister for Education and Young People

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email between Scottish Government officials

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email from Head of Looked After Children and Youthwork Division to Scottish Government solicitor

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email from Scottish Government solicitor to Head of Looked After Children and Youthwork Division

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email from Scottish Government official to Permanent Secretary for Department of Education

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email between Scottish Government officials

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email from Head of Looked After Children and Youthwork Division to Minister for Education and Young People

Email from Head of Looked After Children and Youthwork Division to Minister for Education and Young People dated 30 November 2004 on appointment of a rapporteur.


Scottish Government documents note icon

Email from office of Lord Advocate to First Minister

Scottish Government Evidence

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