Publish date: 10 Mar 2023

Press Release

Public hearings investigating boarding school abuse to continue

Evidence in relation to boarding schools will resume in August 2023. The focus will be Edinburgh Academy.

SCAI has been investigating the abuse of children in boarding schools for a number of years.

The case study has examined the background, administration and regulation of boarding schools in Scotland, and the experiences of boarders at some specific schools.

Edinburgh Academy has not, so far, been considered in detail. Evidence heard in relation to Fettes College in November – December 2021 did, however, include some evidence from Fettes’ witnesses about the experiences they also had at Edinburgh Academy.

SCAI Chair Lady Smith said: “Since the beginning of public hearings examining boarding schools in March 2021, there has been an increase in applicants coming forward, including those who boarded at Edinburgh Academy and other witnesses.

“Their evidence includes information about Edinburgh Academy and allegations of abuse by a number of its former staff.

“It is normal for applicants to come forward during and after evidential hearings. Those hearings and the publicity surrounding them encourage them to get in touch.

“In these particular circumstances, I have decided further evidence about the care of children who boarded at the Edinburgh Academy should be heard in public hearings, as part of the boarding schools case study.

“Evidence relating to Edinburgh Academy has been gathered for some time. Many people have already come forward.

“We would encourage anyone with relevant information to get in touch with the Inquiry’s witness support team as soon as possible.”

The Inquiry’s witness support team can be contacted on 0800 0929 300, or emailed at

Individuals can also write to the Inquiry by post at SCAI, PO Box 24202, Edinburgh EH3 1JN.

The additional hearings will have no scheduling impact on Phase 8 of SCAI’s investigations, The abuse of children in residential accommodation for young offenders and children, and young persons in need of care and protection.

Phase 8 public hearings will take place later this year. There will also be no delay to the publication of Lady Smith’s next two sets of findings, which are due to be issued in the coming weeks.