All relevant evidence will be considered, analysed and used as appropriate including during hearings, when preparing findings, preparing interim reports and when preparing the final report and recommendations.
Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing.
Evidences list
Day 6 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Bishops Conference - Monsignor Peter Smith, Father Frank Dougan, Father Thomas Boyle
Day 5 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Scottish Government - Ms Caroline Beattie (continued)
Conference of Religious - Father James Crampsey, Sister Eileen Mearns
Day 4 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Scottish Government - Ms Lesley Irvine, Ms Caroline Beattie
Day 3 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Expert witnesses - Professor Radford, Dr Barter, Dr Elsley
Day 2 Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry
Expert witnesses - Professor Norrie, Professor Radford, Dr Barter
Email between Scottish Government solicitors
Scottish Government Evidence