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All relevant evidence will be considered, analysed and used as appropriate including during hearings, when preparing findings, preparing interim reports and when preparing the final report and recommendations. 

Some readers may find parts of the evidence upsetting or distressing. 

Evidences list

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Email between Scottish Government solicitors

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Christopher Daly Witness Statement

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Helen Holland – Witness statement of on behalf of INCAS

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents , Witness Statements note icon

David Whelan, on behalf of FGBA , Witness Statement

Witness statement of David Whelan, on behalf of FGBA dated 5 May 2017. 

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email between Scottish Government officials

Scottish Government Evidence 

Scottish Government documents note icon

Memorandum from Scottish Executive to First Minister

Scottish Government Evidence

Scottish Government documents note icon

Minutes and Memorandum from Scottish Executive to Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee

Scottish Government Evidence 

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email from PS/ED to Scottish Government official

Scottish Government Evidence 

Scottish Government documents note icon

Email from office of First Minister to various Scottish Government officials

Scottish Government Evidence

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