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News list

Appointment of new Chair

The Rt Hon Lady Smith has today been appointed by Scottish Ministers as Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry.


Newsletter Spring /Summer 2017

The Inquiry has published its Spring/Summer 2017 newsletter


First day of public hearings

The Inquiry's first day of public hearings took place today, 31 May 2017.


Research Reports

Further reports from research commissioned by the Inquiry


Inquiry first phase hearings starting on 31 May 2017

The Inquiry has issued a notice providing information about the scope and purpose of the Inquiry’s first phase hearings which will start on 31 May. There is also information about how to apply for what is called “leave to appear”.


Resignation of Panel Member

Mr Glenn Houston has resigned as a member of the panel because he has accepted two other public appointments which he is unable to hold in conjunction with his panel membership.


Preliminary Hearing, 31 January 2017

The Inquiry held a preliminary hearing on Tuesday 31 January 2017 at Parliament House in Edinburgh.


Research reports - First reports from research commissioned by the Inquiry

The Inquiry has commissioned a number of experts to provide reports on issues relating to its Terms of Reference.  The new Research (HYPERLINK) page on this website gives more information on this research and will include links to the reports as they become available.


New and updated information on the Inquiry website

Lady Smith has considered the sensitive and personal nature of the evidence being given to the Inquiry by the family members of applicants and by the family members of people who are now deceased but who were, or could have been applicants, and has issued General restriction order No. 2 dealing with the protection of their identities.

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